Run Android apps on your PC
To be able to emulate Android on a PC, there are loads of solutions such as BlueStacks or those that are all about virtualizing an ISO image from a disc. And this Bliss belongs to this latter group. It's basically a compilation of fully operational Android version that can be run on a computer.
An Android emulator that you can virtualize or run as a Live CD
To get Bliss OS running, you'll have to resort to a USB drive to install the image or use a virtualization program of the likes of VirtualBox. It will boot a fully operational version of Android (in this case, Android Pie 9.0) from where you can install the APKs that you can download from Malavida, for instance.
This project is still under development and, therefore, can be somewhat unstable at certain moments. Neither does it incorporate Google Play or any of the company's other apps, therefore, you'll have to install them manually if you need them. However, this version of Android is rooted by default.
All in all, it's an appealing alternative to other emulators that offers us a decent user experience.