Find development errors and bugs
Find programming errors contained in your project thanks to Mantis, a web-based bug tracking system. Discover possible code faults and sand down your development with this tool, also available on mobile platforms.
Web-based bug tracker even more simple than Bugzilla.
Mantis Bug Tracker is written completelyin PHP and works on MySQL, MS SQL and PostgreSQL databases. Use any browser acting as a client.
Features of Mantis
- Event manager to detect development bugs.
- Allows you to create more than one user account.
- Send error reports including images.
- Divide projects into subprojects and categories with different access permissions.
- Search for and filter contents.
Immediate incident report
Mantis is ideal to manage incidents. Receive information about any fault in your project, its members can send them to you and you will be able to monitor their evolution until they are solved.
Download Mantis free for Windows and reach perfection at work.
Requirements and additional information:
- This download requires a ZIP compatible compressor.
- Requires MySQL 4.1.1 or above, Postgre SQL 8 or above, PHP 5.1.0 or above and a web server.